Ergonomic equpiments: Electric high lift truck with side-tilting forks rotator
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Electric high lift truck with side-tilting forks rotator

Rotator - when tilting and rotating boxes and different itmes

Elektro-Hochhubwagen mit Seitenkippgabel Rotator_product
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Elektro-Hochhubwagen mit Seitenkippgabel Rotator

High efficiency

- Easy to set degree of tilt and rotation speed
- Precise and controlled acceleration/deceleration on rotation at start/stop
- Reduction of electricity consumption of 50%
- Tilting function is deactivated automatically when rotating to neutral position
- Height adjustment" rotation and transportation in the same unit
- Remote control for rotation (with cable as standard/wireless as optional extra)
- Remote control also available for lifting/lowering function


Great durability

- Low maintenance costs - no relays and wearing parts


Optimum safety

- Tilting function is deactivated when the rotation centre is more than 1180 mm or less than 680 mm above the floor
- Remote control for tilting


Facts about Rotator
Available in two models:

With forks:
Tilt crates and boxes so that the user can reach the contents without stretching and straining the back. The rotator can turn a box 180° to empty it fully.

With multi-purpose carriage:
Possible to fix and rotate different items" such as tools. Can be adapted to the requirements of the individual customer.

Optional extras for Rotator

- One or two sets of box holders (depending on height of box)
- Two box holders in each side are recommanded when the weight of the load is between 80 and 1000 kg
- Box holders with clamps (optional extras) can hold boxes of heights between 400 and 1200 mm
- Special arrangements for a maximum box width of 1"400 mm are possible


Ihre Ansprechpartnerin:

Frau Stephanie Janßen
Tel: +49 23 24 / 39 112-25
E-Mail stephanie.janssen{at}
Stephanie Janßen

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Willecke Hebe- und Fördergeräte GmbH
An der Becke 7
(Gewerbegebiet Ludwigstal I)
D-45527 Hattingen

Telefon: +49 2324 39 112 - 0  
Telefax: +49 2324 39 112 - 22

Willecke Hebe- und Fördergeräte GmbH
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