Hovmand Lift Compact bei Willecke
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Hovmand Lift Compact

The small, strong lifting device
Hovmand Hebelift Compact
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Hovmand Hebelift Compact


Compact is the smallest battery-operated lifting device on the market for handling rolls. The Compact is available with a combined mandrel and V-block. The mandrel is equipped with a wheel, which makes it easier to push the roller onto the mandrel. The V-block is rotatable and can therefore be used for a roller with an axle.

The Compact has an overload protection and shielding of all moving parts. The lifting and lowering function is activated via a button




Technical specifications:

capacitylifting heightoverall levellifting speedbatteriesweight
kg mm mm mm/sek. V/Ah kg
100/60 825/1325 958 95 24/1,2 24




Ihre Ansprechpartnerin:

Frau Carola Schmidt-Böttcher
Tel: +49 23 24 / 39 112-26
E-Mail carola.schmidt-boettcher{at}willecke.de
Carola Schmidt-Boettcher

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Willecke Hebe- und Fördergeräte GmbH
An der Becke 7
(Gewerbegebiet Ludwigstal I)
D-45527 Hattingen

Telefon: +49 2324 39 112 - 0  
Telefax: +49 2324 39 112 - 22
E-Mail: info@willecke.de

Willecke Hebe- und Fördergeräte GmbH
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